Saturday, March 19, 2011


Originally published March 19 201

Earthquake predicted for California

by Randall Neustaedter OMD

(NaturalNews) In case you have not had enough apocalyptic disaster scares and events this week, a geologist who predicted the 1989 Northern California earthquake has predicted another to occur next week between March 19 and 25th.

Geologist Jim Berkland asserts that he has a 75 percent accuracy rate in his earthquake predictions, which are often based on tidal forces and abnormal animal behavior events. He says that four factors are coming together that make an earthquake in California a likely event.

First, the moon will be full and at its closest point to the earth during that time, a factor associated with previous earthquakes. Second, the spring equinox occurs during this time, producing some of the highest tides of the year. Third, the recent massive and unexplained fish die-off in Southern California could signal a magnetic shift that affects animals with unusual behavior. For example, beached whales have preceded previous earthquakes in California. And fourth, the Pacific Rim faults, known as the Ring of Fire, have experienced three recent quakes in Chile, New Zealand, and Japan. These earthquakes have proceeded in a clockwise direction, possibly indicating that the fault lines in California are next.

Berkland has a website at and a written newsletter through his site. He was recently interviewed by Jim Noory on Coast to Coast about his most recent prediction. Randall Neustaedter, OMD.

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