Saturday, October 15, 2011

Vaccine industry receives government financial bailouts via Vaccine Injury Compensation Program

by PF Louis

(NaturalNews) Ever wonder why vaccine related injuries reported by parents get so little mass media attention? It's easy to understand when you realize that although a federally decreed reporting system does exist for vaccine injuries, the agency itself simply stores them in a data base that doesn't influence most medical professionals, vaccine manufacturers, and mainstream media.

Understanding VAERS

The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) was established as part of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) of 1986. VAERS is sponsored by the CDC and FDA, both vaccine friendly government agencies. Another part of the NCVIA is the establishment of a federal "no fault" compensation program for parents of vaccine injured or killed children.

The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP) was set up to award claims to parents through the US Court of Federal Claims. Of course, claimants had to establish a causal connection with their child's issues from recent vaccinations.

The compensations vary from $250,000 for the death of a child, or a life time of medical coverage for a brain damaged child. The awards are federally funded, "bailing out" vaccine manufacturers from financial liability. The fact that over $1 billion has been paid out since 1986 is the government's secret admission of vaccine dangers.

As in most settlements, awarded parents are gagged from talking of their case by the risk of losing their "hush money" covering lifetime medical expenses.

Many parents are still programmed to believe their child's sudden mental or physical health downturn had nothing to do with all those vaccinations they allowed their pediatrician to deliver. And less naive parents don't even know about VAERS or the compensation program, which are as unwieldy and bureaucratic as government systems can be.

It's estimated that as low as one or two percent with no more than 10% of vaccine adverse reactions are reported. Although doctors are legally obliged to report adverse vaccine reactions to VAERS, most don't. The FDA admits that probably 90% of doctors simply don't report adverse vaccine reactions. Yet even with this denial and resistance, up to 20,000 adverse vaccine reactions are reported annually.

Keep in mind that VAERS officially states their data base file of adverse reports does not make causal connections to vaccines. Those non-reporting MDs usually dismiss serious reactions as unrelated to vaccines. Or worse yet, they blame the parents and accuse them of Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS).

Blaming the victims

Some parents have been imprisoned for trying to resuscitate their babies or rush them into emergency rooms upon noticing sudden dire symptoms. Usually those babies died.

SBS symptoms can resemble adverse vaccine reactions, but convicted parents were never allowed the reasonable doubt that would arise from real vaccine injury knowledge. This rush to judgment reflects widespread denial.

In many cases, those infants had just received multiple shots of vaccines pushed by their pediatricians. Are those records considered without bias in the courts where accused parents stand? But local media and press cover these incidents to trump up lurid crime attention, yet they won't mention vaccinations. That's taboo.

Another rising syndrome masking vaccine injuries is Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), or crib death. These infants suddenly die for apparently no cause. Often they had recently been vaccinated. But let's not look into that. Better to consider SIDS a strangely mysterious epidemic among newborns and get more money for more research.

Perhaps October's vaccine awareness month should focus more on reporting adverse events to reach a tipping point against the resistance of vaccine truth. Otherwise the Medical Mafia will continue jabbing children to oblivion.

Sources for this article include:

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