Thursday, February 16, 2012

Boycott Komen's Race for the Cure events, sham cancer fundraisers prey on pinkwashing quackery

by Ethan A. Huff, staff writer

(NaturalNews) Susan G. Komen for the Cure's recent political tangle over its funding of the abortion and eugenics group Planned Parenthood has greatly intensified public scrutiny of this massive cancer organization, which now generates more than $300 million in annual revenues, according to recent income statements. And while many former Komen supporters have cut ties because of this particular incident, many more appear to be jumping ship as they come to the shocking discovery that the whole operation is nothing but a giant, "pinkwashing" scam.

To put it plainly, Komen's days are clearly numbered, as a recent Reuters report hints that the charity's first "Race for the Cure" since the Planned Parenthood scandal, which is set to take place in El Paso, Tex., could see drastically fewer supporters this year compared to last year. Add to that all those former supporters whose eyes have now been opened to the fact that Komen does practically nothing to promote breast cancer prevention, and is largely just a promoter of cancer-causing mammograms, and you have a situation where one of the nation's largest cancer organizations is on the brink of collapse.

A massive boycott of all things "pink" is currently underway as well, as the consequences of Komen's ridiculous pinkwashing scam are finally coming to fruition. Tired of all the cancer-causing products like KFC fried chicken "buckets for the cure" and alcoholic beverages donning pink ribbon labels, the public is finally beginning to say, enough is enough.

The cancer industry is not interested in curing cancer

As we have said numerous times before, the cancer industry, which includes cancer groups like Komen, is really just big business posing as humanitarian efforts. These groups are not interested in actually preventing cancer and ending its reign of terror, because then the multi-billion-dollar cancer treatment and cancer cure fundraising industries would dry up completely.

This is why groups like Komen continue to insist that obvious cancer-causing chemicals such as bisphenol-A (BPA), the infamous plastics chemical, are not a cause of cancer, even though science says otherwise ( Komen also provides very poor guidelines for women on breast cancer prevention in other areas by failing to warn them of carcinogens in conventional cosmetics, for instance, or that long-term exposure to fluoridated water can contribute to breast cancer.

In other words, the faster this corrupt organization meets its inevitable demise, the better, as it has truly done nothing over the past 30 years to actually stem the epidemic tide of breast cancer in America and around the world. It has, however, bilked millions upon millions of dollars from well-intentioned people who thought they were supporting a good cause.

Be sure to check out the new film Pink Ribbons, Inc. to learn more:

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